A study was performed by Southwest Research Instituteā¢ for the Propane Education and Research Council, under the cooperation and management of the Texas Railroad Commission to study and evaluate current LPG vehicle refueling technology. This study focused on connection systems, over-fill protection, and pumping/dispensing systems.
Information was also compiled on the new standard for LPG refueling systems created and adopted by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The standard was created to reduce refueling emissions, increase operator safety, and improve the general operation and consumer acceptance level for LPG vehicles. This standard involves the LPG fill nozzle, nozzle receptacle, leakage rates, and pumping systems.
This project was conducted in order to establish a firm starting point for the beginning of a standardization process for LPG vehicle refueling in the United States. To accomplish this, a study was first performed to find and evaluate the various types of refueling technologies available both inside and outside of the U.S.