Recently, the noise regulations are being reinforced to restrict the noise levels in the workplace and to protect the operator on the construction equipment. So, the cabin noise level is one of the crucial barometers determining the quality of construction equipment.
In this paper, numerical and experimental studies for the identification of noise sources and noise transmission paths were carried out for the cabin noise control of construction equipment. First of all, measurements of sound absorption, transmission and radiation noise were performed using cabin assembly models. Noise contribution factors of cabin components were obtained through these measurements. Using these results, cabin noise levels were re-analyzed. The calculated noise levels for cabin model were confirmed to agree well with measurement results within 3dB [1]. Furthermore, acoustic resonance can be avoided at the design stage to control the booming noise.
The established method was applied to wheel loader for prediction and control of cabin noise. It is expected to be very helpful in the design stage for low noise construction equipment.