Loss Function Curve to Quantify Customer (DIS) Satisfaction for Front Door Opening Entrance Height



SAE Brasil 2024 Congress
Authors Abstract
During the early stages of vehicle development, a crucial design attribute to consider is the access of occupants into the vehicle. Access is essential for ensuring comfortable entry and egress, a key factor in occupant satisfaction. The challenge in development lies in arranging various vehicle dimensions to maintain a competitive level of comfort compared to other vehicles in the same segment. Engineering metrics such as the trimmed opening rearward and forward of the Seating Reference Point (SgRP) significantly influence occupants’ perceptions of access comfort. One specific dimension that directly affects satisfaction is entrance height, the focus of this study. This project successfully correlates the entrance height of a vehicle’s first-row door opening with occupant satisfaction under real-world driving conditions. The research involved statistical data analysis and clinics to validate these findings. The results indicate that greater levels of satisfaction are achieved with bigger values of entrance height, but it tends to settle at a certain point. Additionally, the study found that gender does not significantly impact satisfaction levels, whereas height does have a slightly notable effect. Taller individuals may experience different levels of satisfaction due to entrance height, although this does not necessarily lead to dissatisfaction. In summary, ensuring optimal entrance height is vital for occupant comfort and satisfaction. By carefully considering and adjusting this dimension, vehicle developers can enhance the overall user experience, making entry and egress more comfortable for a diverse range of occupants. This study highlights the importance of detailed ergonomic design and the need for continual assessment of vehicle dimensions to meet the evolving standards of comfort in the automotive industry.
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Silva, G., Santos, A., Genaro, P., Terra, R. et al., "Loss Function Curve to Quantify Customer (DIS) Satisfaction for Front Door Opening Entrance Height," SAE Technical Paper 2024-36-0057, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-36-0057.
Additional Details
Dec 20, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper