KSC Advanced Life Support Breadboard: Facility Description and Testing Objectives
- Event
- Content
- The Breadboard Project at Kennedy Space Center has focused on the development of the bioregenerative life support components, crop plants for water, air, and food production and bioreactors for recycling of waste. The keystone of the Breadboard Project has been the Biomass Production Chamber (BPC), which is supported by 15 environmentally controlled chambers and 2150 m2 (23,200 ft2) of laboratory facilities. The Project objectives, in support of the ALS Program, utilize these facilities for large-scale testing of components and development of required technologies for the human testbeds at JSC, flight experiments, and ALS research to enable a Mars mission.
- Pages
- 9
- Citation
- Sager, J., "KSC Advanced Life Support Breadboard: Facility Description and Testing Objectives," SAE Technical Paper 972341, 1997, https://doi.org/10.4271/972341.