Investigating Combined Thoracic Loading Using the Elderly Female Dummy (EFD)
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- The Elderly Female Dummy (EFD) is an omni-directional ATD developed to represent a vulnerable population. The EFD it is able to be 3D printed and quickly altered to meet design requirements. A recent side impact sled test series suggested that small, elderly females may be at risk of thoracic injuries in side impact crashes due to combined loading from the belt pre-tensioner and side airbag. The EFD was altered to add four IR-TRACCs to the thoracic region to allow both x-axis and y-axis displacement to be evaluated in a similar test. While the IR-TRACCs did record the displacement due to combined loading, the rate of displacement and timing of the peak displacements did not match external chestband outputs. The next step for the EFD is to revise the locations of IRTRACCs in the thorax and begin component testing in lateral and frontal directions to improve thoracic biofidelity.
- Pages
- 4
- Citation
- Beebe, M., Sullenberger, K., Burleigh, M., McCarthy, J. et al., "Investigating Combined Thoracic Loading Using the Elderly Female Dummy (EFD)," SAE Technical Paper 2019-22-0017, 2020,