Integration of an Automated Statistical Process Acceptance (SPA) System into Automated Manufacturing to Optimize Automation Inspection Through-put, Costs, and Quality.


To be published on 04/25/2025

AeroTech Conference & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Abstract Within the aviation industry there are increasing automation applications in concert with technology development. Automation processes by the nature of the rigid machine design have excellent accuracy and repeatability. As such, with proper utilization of the data output, the data can be used to demonstrate capability to design requirements and process control. Further the data output can be used to better address anomalies and optimize the processes. This consistency can facilitate the incorporation of inspection sampling which can significantly reduce manufacturing costs by improving product through put and labor costs. While a common heuristic is that one cannot reduce costs, and improve schedule and quality at the same time, effective use of automation and its data is an exception. However, while automation technology has developed rapidly within aviation manufacturing, industry has been less effective in 1) understanding how to set up an automated statistical control and acceptance (sampling) system as part of a new work center, 2) how to transition an existing automated system to enable statistical process sampling, and 3) how to use statistical data to improve the process and resolve any quality issues. This publication will review: 1) How a statistical process control and sampling system was incorporated into an existing automation work center with emphasis on automating the quality system for high production drill and trim center such that the sustaining effort of the quality system is minimal 2) How the same system was used to move from a state of mediocre quality to high quality by incorporating statistical analysis with process improvement initiatives.
Meta TagsDetails
Hall, T., "Integration of an Automated Statistical Process Acceptance (SPA) System into Automated Manufacturing to Optimize Automation Inspection Through-put, Costs, and Quality.," SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-0166, 2025, .
Additional Details
To be published on Apr 25, 2025
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Content Type
Technical Paper