Innovative Approach of PM Removal System for a Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle using Non-Thermal Plasma
- Event
- Content
- With the aim to successively remove particulate matter (PM) from exhaust emissions of diesel engines, non-thermal plasma (NTP) system is now under development for practical use. The model analyzer for generating plasma with unit-cell of the NTP reactor, was designed and developed for the quantitative analysis of discharged plasma. The novel NTP reactors with newly developed porous and wave-foil electrodes show excellent plasma specifics such as low Inception voltage for plasma discharge and strong radiation luminance. A virtual vehicle simulator using an engine dynamometer, aiming at the evaluation of the plasma PM removal properties in various modal driving schedules, was constructed. It is confirmed that the novel NTP reactor shows not only excellent PM removal properties but also minimized pressure loss. Especially, PM removal properties are strongly influenced by the increase in plasma radiation luminance. It achieved excellent PM removal properties and miniaturization of the NTP reactor with novel electrodes using model analyzer for quantitative analysis of plasma and virtual vehicle simulator.
- Pages
- 9
- Citation
- Kim, Y., Naito, K., Fujikawa, H., Ogawa, T. et al., "Innovative Approach of PM Removal System for a Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle using Non-Thermal Plasma," SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-0236, 2007,