Innovative Analytic Test Vehicle Integrated into Automated Indoor Braking Analyzer



WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
The existing indoor test method for tire and vehicle braking performance in the Automated Indoor Braking Analyzer (AIBA) see Ref. 3, is operating fully automatic with standard vehicle braking systems. The tire’s braking performance is evaluated by the braking distance from defined initial speed (e. g. 80 km/h) to standstill of the vehicle, on specified and exchangeable surfaces (e.g. asphalt) under wet or dry road conditions. Vehicle dynamics and control algorithms are intrinsically part of the overall test system.
Another known and accredited test procedure for label and type approval is the traction trailer test which currently is used on outdoor proving grounds. With this method the tire will be tested under constant speed while braking until maximum braking force which is the indicator for the tire performance (μ-peak).
We introduce in our presentation a new Analytic Test Vehicle which combines advantages of vehicle- and trailer-based test methods. It operates in the AIBA neglecting any varying influence of weather conditions, at highest reproducibility due to full automatization on well-defined and exchangeable surfaces.
The traction trailer has the advantage to test individual tires without any influence of the vehicle system. Within the Analytic Test Vehicle we are using enhanced measurement systems to analyze tire braking characteristics at very high accuracy and repeatability. Furthermore, we have integrated electronic drive and brake systems to ensure a fully automatized test procedure.
A variety of further technical solutions realized in the Analytic Test Vehicle enables us finally to test many different braking applications.
Innovative value of the work:
  • New test technology for tire grip performance testing
  • Fully automatic indoor trailer testing
  • Longitudinal tire characteristics, μ-slip curve on real wet or dry surfaces
  • Tire testing under reproduceable indoor environment
  • High precision measurement data with innovative test technology
Meta TagsDetails
Schlenke, A., Sprenger, C., Horch, F., and Huynh, J., "Innovative Analytic Test Vehicle Integrated into Automated Indoor Braking Analyzer," SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0883, 2022,
Additional Details
Mar 29, 2022
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Content Type
Technical Paper