Influence of Various Biodiesel Fuels on Diesel Engine Performance
- Event
- Content
- The composition ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) is depended on feedstock. Three FAMEs: soybean (SME), palm (PME) and coconut oil (CME) methyl esters were mixed to make fuels which have different composition ratio. The ignitability of fuel which mainly consisted of unsaturated FAME was inferior. Power was slightly reduced with increasing of mixing ratio of CME; however exhaust gas emissions were improved because CME contained a lot of oxygen atoms. Fuel which was equal mixture SME and CME indicated almost the same ignition characteristic as that of PME because they have same composition ratio.
- Pages
- 7
- Citation
- Ono, M., Nakajima, M., Yoshida, K., Shoji, H. et al., "Influence of Various Biodiesel Fuels on Diesel Engine Performance," SAE Technical Paper 2009-32-0100, 2009,