Influence of Discrete Load Cases on Optimization of Chain Guide Design of Crawler Dozers under Various Ground Conditions


To be published on 12/05/2024

11th SAEINDIA International Mobility Conference (SIIMC 2024)
Authors Abstract
The undercarriage is a critical component in machines like Crawlers, Excavators, and Compact Track Loaders. Undercarriage includes vital elements of the machine such as Track Frame, Chain Guides, Rollers, Track Chains, Idler, Carrier Rollers, Final Drive, and Sprockets. Among all the machines, Crawler Dozers encounter harsh environments with various ground conditions. During operations, the chains are subjected to traverse and side loads due to which the chains tend to slip out of the bottom rollers. The chain guide plays a crucial role in assisting and maintaining the chain in the correct position. The forces acting on chain guides are influenced by factors like track chain tension, roller wear, chain link wear, impact loading (especially side impact), and counter rotation, where one track moves forward while the other moves in reverse. This study is focused on analyzing various load cases to determine the necessary number of chain guides, the optimal spacing between each chain guide, and the profile of chain guides. Furthermore, the research explores the impact of soil interaction of the blade and severe discrete load cases like grub stump on chain guide design. Cost and serviceability are essential considerations in the design process, which are also covered to a limited extent within this paper.
Meta TagsDetails
Masane, N., Bhosale, D., and Sarma, N., "Influence of Discrete Load Cases on Optimization of Chain Guide Design of Crawler Dozers under Various Ground Conditions," SAE Technical Paper 2024-28-0270, 2024, .
Additional Details
To be published on Dec 5, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper