This paper analyses the potential of dual clutch transmissions for MD and HD commercial vehicles in India. It compares vehicle performance, i.e. duration of a given transport cycle, and fuel consumption during this transport cycle for a 49 to. long haulage truck under typically given driving conditions in India. Additionally a performance comparison between 6 speed and 8 speed transmissions on long haul trucks in India is shown.
The performance of different transmission types (MT, AMT and DCT) as well as 6 respectively 8 speed transmissions for each transmissions type are compared and discussed. The fuel efficiency as well as the cycle time of each individual transmission have been analyzed by powertrain system simulations.
Furthermore the design of a modular transmission family concept for commercial vehicles (truck & bus) is presented. It combines both, a manual transmission as well as a powershift capable double clutch transmission within the same transmission family. The base intention of this family concept is to focus on a maximum of carry over components to keep the product cost on a minimum and keep the same transmission length as well as the same interfaces to the driveline / vehicle.