Implementation of Karakuri Kaizen in Material Handling Unit



Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2015
Authors Abstract
Material handling is a major section in all the industries especially for delicate and huge components. Here in this industry they are using pneumatics system to tilt the component for certain angle so that operator will be able to do the further operation in the line. Pneumatic system needs compressed air for running the system, which in turn requires electricity to compress the air using an air compressor.
Due to frequent power shutdowns many industries are facing problem to run their manufacturing unit peacefully. As an alternate they are using generators which require fuel to generate power. This adds excess cost for manufacturing the products and demand for fuel is also increasing day by day. So to avoid all this problem with a one step solution, dependability of energy resources has to be minimized. For avoiding the usage of energy resources the usage of pneumatics and compressed air has to be reduced.
Karakuri kaizen which was first introduced by Japanese is system which is used to handle the materials using natural principles like gravitation force, centrifugal force, etc. It requires only initial investment cost and so plans were made to apply this system at the machine shop.
As a first step we started with 2-D drawing and then went on with Offline 3-D testing which was done after the design process. A solid works model was made to avoid corrections in the fabrication process so that cost and time can be reduced. In fabrication process we faced many problems as it was the first equipment to be implemented with Karakuri kaizen. It took weeks to solve all the problems and now finally the system is installed in the industry and running successfully without any interruptions.
Meta TagsDetails
Rani, D., Saravanan, A., Agrewale, M., and Ashok, B., "Implementation of Karakuri Kaizen in Material Handling Unit," SAE Technical Paper 2015-26-0074, 2015,
Additional Details
Jan 14, 2015
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Content Type
Technical Paper