Ice Thickness and Particle Size from an Eddy Current Deicer
- Event
- Content
- This paper details the icing wind tunnel test results of a new eddy current repulsion deicing system (EDS). There are only a trio of in-flight, anti-icing or deicing systems used on aircraft. Hot engine bleed air, electrothermal blankets, and pneumatic boots are either energy intensive or force the aircraft to fly with relatively large ice particles attached to critical aerodynamic surfaces. Several ideas have been put forward for electrical pulsed deicing systems. The EDS consumes little power, maintains ice thickness buildup less than 2.5 mm, and sheds small ice particles less than 150 mm2.
- Pages
- 8
- Citation
- Smith, S., "Ice Thickness and Particle Size from an Eddy Current Deicer," SAE Technical Paper 940117, 1994,