Height Adjustment in School Bus Seat to Improve Comfort of Children with Different Age Group
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- Seats are one of the critical component of school bus for children’s comfort & safety. Seat foam thickness, its shape, cushion width & seat height will play a vital role in comfort. Fatigue is the common cause due to uncomfortable seating and it is due to only one type of seat available in school buses to accommodate different height children. (here different height means; schools have children from class nursery to senior secondary). Fatigue will cause impact on children’s health & overall development.The topic was chosen because of increasing concerns in children’s comfort & safety in school buses. In existing design, standard seat with cushion height from bus floor is 450mm. In this case, it’s only suitable for children height of 4.5 feet to 5.5 feet. Ergonomically, it is very difficult to climb on the seat for range of children height from 3 feet to 4feet.
- Pages
- 3
- Citation
- Joshi, R., and Banginwar, S., "Height Adjustment in School Bus Seat to Improve Comfort of Children with Different Age Group," SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0871, 2020, https://doi.org/10.4271/2020-01-0871.