Heat Transfer Analysis and Cycle Averaged Heat Flux Prediction by Means of CFD and its Validation for an IC-Engine
- Event
- Content
- It is demonstrated that the cycle averaged heat flux on the hot gas side of the cylinders can be obtained using in-cylinder CFD-analysis. Together with the heat transfer coefficients obtained using a multi zone model in the coolant jacket CFD-analysis a complete set of thermal boundary conditions were made available exclusively based on simulations. The engine metal temperatures could then be predicted using FEA and compared with the measured data. Good agreement was obtained with the experimental data. The methodology has potential for refinement and application of a higher resolution in future. Also 1-D codes are used to provide cooling circuit boundary conditions and gas exchange boundary condition to the CFD-models.
- Pages
- 11
- Citation
- Etemad, S., Stein, C., and Eriksson, S., "Heat Transfer Analysis and Cycle Averaged Heat Flux Prediction by Means of CFD and its Validation for an IC-Engine," SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-2029, 2005, https://doi.org/10.4271/2005-01-2029.