Global Analysis of Scientific Data from the Three Experimental Campaigns for European Manned Space Infrastructure
- Event
- Content
- The purpose of the presented GLOBEMSI study was to carry out a scientific analysis of the EMSI (European Mannned Space Infrastructure) data collected from the three experimental simulation campaign conducted by ESA (European Space Agency): ISEMSI-90, EXEMSI-92 and HUBES-94. The scientific aim has been to obtain informations on the psychological and physiological effects of long-term isolation and confinement of a small crew under conditions simulating those that may be expected to exist in a space station. The experimental protocol of ISEMSI-90, EXEMSI-92 and HUBES-94 was to confine within a closed habitat varying by the architecture, i.e. facilities of 4, 2 and 1 main chamber respectively; varying by the size of the crew, i.e. 6, 4 and 3 crewmembers respectively; varying by the duration of the simulation campaign, i.e. 28, 60 and 135 days respectively. The GLOBEMSI-96 study thus consisted of collecting and organizing the EMSI scientific data gathered during these experiments into a database and carrying out the global analysis of the data from the multidisciplinary investigations (physiological, psychological and operational). The applied perspectives of the study is discussed in the field of Human Requirements for Long Duration Space Flight.
- Pages
- 12
- Citation
- Tafforin, C., and Bichi, A., "Global Analysis of Scientific Data from the Three Experimental Campaigns for European Manned Space Infrastructure," SAE Technical Paper 961442, 1996,