Future Opportunities with LED Front Lighting
- Event
- Content
- With the introduction of the first LED headlamps with main functions (low beam, high beam) the comparison to the existing HID headlamps is always the benchmark. Due to the necessary heat management and the challenge to keep the temperature as low as possible, the light volume of 1000 lm or more is hardly to achieve with reasonable means. This will be improved in the future. This paper describes the opportunities of today with the introduction of LED light sources to combine the main functions with additional features in Front Lighting. The design of LED headlamps makes it possible to generate the full AFS functionality without any mechanical means.By using several LED modules and variation in current to generate specific light pattern one is able to adapt the light distribution according to the needs. This includes also the adaptive high beam or glare free high beam, which will be realized in the near future. The concept of such systems and the strategy to design best fit solutions for night driving will be described and presented. The new philosophy creating comfort solutions for the driver indicates the potential of LED light sources in the future.
- Pages
- 5
- Citation
- Neumann, R., "Future Opportunities with LED Front Lighting," SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-0264, 2012, https://doi.org/10.4271/2012-01-0264.