The role of NVH testing has evolved from a firefighting role and a period of exploration to a well defined standard test role in the product development and validation process. Integral to this process is robust engineering, which drives the need to execute many tests quickly, efficiently and accurately. This allows the NVH specialist to concentrate on interpretation of results and spend less time on the acquisition of data. As the volume of data grows, this creates the opportunity to data mine an NVH database to compare results from large sample sizes and focus on product variation.
Today's NVH laboratory is accountable for producing high quality, consistent, timely, and cost effective test reports. The basic core of the test has to be easy to set up and execute for a novice, yet still allow for exploratory tests by specialists as necessary. The NVH laboratory is now subject to the same budgetary pressures and quality audits as other testing operations.
This paper presents the basic philosophy as defined by end users that puts a greater focus on efficiency of operation, automation, and data quality control.