Functional Modeling of the powertrain system of a Hybrid Vehicle



SAE Brasil 2009 Congress and Exhibit
Authors Abstract
The automotive industry's recent push towards developing electric and hybrid electric vehicles is a direct response to the growing global pressure due to environmental concerns and has resulted in a search for significantly cleaner and more efficient vehicles. Not only, in order to achieve its purpose, has this search highly depended on the development of advanced technologies. Among all systems and subsystem from a vehicle the powertrain system is going to be the focus of this work. The main goal of the present work is to get a complete mapping of all the functions, components and flows of information and energy, through the application of an existing methodology of analysis, known for “function structure technique”, on the described product.
Therefore, this mapping will supply a better understanding of the product architecture. First of all, the composed system, for the hybrid vehicle powertrain, is divided hierarchically in subsystems according to the existing assemblies. The operation chain is then separated through static and dynamic inspections during its operation. This entirety of functions and flows can fully describe the product operation and will supply enough knowledge of this system. The results will make possible a systematic analysis on how subsystems interact, how relevant and necessary they are to achieve main function of the described system and allow a systematic change
in the concept in order to make a functional optimization with possible cost reduction.
Meta TagsDetails
Bartilotti, R., Genesini, P., Raizer, B., de Souza, R. et al., "Functional Modeling of the powertrain system of a Hybrid Vehicle," SAE Technical Paper 2009-36-0258, 2009,
Additional Details
Oct 6, 2009
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Content Type
Technical Paper