Fuel Film Evaporation and Heat Transfer in the Intake Port of an S.I. Engine
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- Surface heat transfer measurements have been taken in the intake port of a single cylinder four valve SI engine running on isooctane fuel. The objective has been to establish how fuel characteristics affect trends in surface heat transfer rates for a range of engine operating conditions. The heat transfer measurements were made using heat flux gauges bonded to the intake port surface in the region where highest rates of fuel deposition occur. The influence on heat transfer rates of the deposited fuel and its subsequent behaviour has been examined by comparing fuel-wetted and dry-surface heat transfer measurements. Heat transfer changes are consistent with trends predicted by convective mass transfer over much of the range of surface temperatures from 20°C to 100°C. Towards the upper temperature limit heat transfer reaches a maximum limited by the rate and distribution of fuel deposition. The inferences drawn from the isooctane results are discussed and related to characteristics observed when gasoline is used.
- Pages
- 11
- Citation
- Shayler, P., Colechin, M., and Scarisbrick, A., "Fuel Film Evaporation and Heat Transfer in the Intake Port of an S.I. Engine," SAE Technical Paper 961120, 1996, https://doi.org/10.4271/961120.