Foundations and elements of the NHTSA Thor ALPHA ATD design
- Event
- Content
- Early influences upon Thor ATD development are described, and the path of Thor development is traced up to the release of the current Thor ALPHA ATD design. Since the display of the first Thor ATD prototype at the 15th ESV Conference in Melbourne in 1996, Thor has undergone extensive test and evaluation on an international basis in cooperation with many partner institutions. This paper summarizes some of the lessons learned from this broad test experience, and documents actions which have been undertaken to upgrade the Thor product to ALPHA status in light of this experience.
- Pages
- 12
- Citation
- Haffner, M., Eppinger, R., Rangarajan, N., Shams, T. et al., "Foundations and elements of the NHTSA Thor ALPHA ATD design," SAE Technical Paper 2001-06-0107, 2001, .