Flexible Heating and Heat Retention Technology for Efficient Treatment of Exhaust Gases in Diesel Engines



Symposium on International Automotive Technology
Authors Abstract
In the Journey towards Zero Emission and decarbonization, with emerging advancement in technology form current BS6 to near future EURO7 standards of emission, these emission norms are achievable when we amalgamate with an assistive technology of Electrically Heated System for thermal management in Diesel emission control i.e., called CatVap®. With the increasingly stringent limits on vehicle pollutants- including NOx emission levels are fulfilled with Twin Urea Dosing mechanism. These comprehensive lists of advanced technology to converge lowest NOx emissions without increasing CO2 emissions. The Major effort in the existing structure is to accelerate the SCR temperature and enhance the conversion efficiency of NOx in Real Drive Emission during cold start and low load duty cycle. CatVap®system provides sufficient thermal energy to facilitate rapid heating in the course of low load cycles and cold city rides for efficient gas conversion. As they are used to accelerate the light-off temperature for Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), this system is also highly adaptable for effective regeneration in Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and overall, it is an important promoter to accomplish Zero emission Internal Combustion Engines. Albonair is targeting towards optimization of well adapted and cost-effective CatVap technology and dual dosing system to improve BS6 emission standards and to meet BS7/Euro7 regulations. The Development cost and the estimated timeline to encounter BS7 System would not be much challengeable when compared to the implementation of BS6 system.
Meta TagsDetails
YS, A., K, S., and M, J., "Flexible Heating and Heat Retention Technology for Efficient Treatment of Exhaust Gases in Diesel Engines," SAE Technical Paper 2024-26-0144, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-26-0144.
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Jan 16
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Technical Paper