This paper presents a fundamental thermodynamic modeling approach to study internal combustion engines. The computations of the thermodynamic functions, especially availability, have been developed to seek better energy utilization, analyze engine performance and optimize design of spark ignition (SI) engines fueled with compressed natural gas (CNG), by using both the first and the second law analyses.
A single-zone heat release model with constant thermodynamic properties is built into the air cycle simulation, while a more comprehensive two-zone combustion model with burning rate as a sinusoidal function of crank angle is built into the fuel/air thermodynamic engine cycle simulation. The computations mainly include pressure, unburned and burned zone temperature, indicated work, heat loss, mass blowby, availability destruction due to combustion, fuel chemical availability, availability transfer with heat, availability transfer with work and availability exhaust to the environment. The validation of the simulation results with the experimental data is performed for a DaimlerChrysler 4.7 Liter CNG fueled V8 engine at wide open throttle (WOT), and 4000 rpm.