Exploring the Trade-Off of Handling Stability and Responsiveness with Advanced Control Systems
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- Advanced chassis control systems enable a vehicle to achieve new levels of performance in handling stability and responsiveness. In recent work by NHTSA and others, the performance of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems has been studied with focus on yaw stability and roll stability of vehicles on high friction surfaces. However, it is recognized that vehicle handling responsiveness is also an important aspect that should be maintained.This paper explores the trade-offs between yaw rate, side slip, and roll motions of a vehicle, and their relationships to handling stability and handling responsiveness. This paper further describes how various control systems are able to manage these motions. The paper also discusses methods to assess vehicle stability and responsiveness using specific maneuvers and measurements, and it includes data from vehicle tests on a slippery surface.
- Pages
- 14
- Citation
- Bedner, E., Fulk, D., and Hac, A., "Exploring the Trade-Off of Handling Stability and Responsiveness with Advanced Control Systems," SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-0812, 2007, https://doi.org/10.4271/2007-01-0812.