Experimental Study on Quality Control and Variable Valve Timing Strategy of Hydrogen Engine for High Efficiency and Low Emission at Low Load



Automotive Technical Papers
Authors Abstract
In order to reduce the pumping loss of low loads and maximize the lean combustion advantage of hydrogen, the paper proposes a load control strategy based on hydrogen mass, called quality control, for improving thermal efficiency and emissions at low loads. The advantages of quality control and the effect of VVT on the combustion performance of hydrogen internal combustion engines under low loads were discussed. The results show that when the relative air–fuel ratio (λ) increases to more than 2.5, the NOx emissions are reduced to less than 3.5 g/kW · h at the brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) below 8 bar, especially when the BMEP is less than 5 bar, the NOx is within 0.2 g/kW · h. Compared to quantity control based on air mass, the quality control strategy based on hydrogen mass achieves over a 2.0% reduction in pumping loss at BMEP levels lower than 4.4 bar. Furthermore, it enhances thermal efficiency by up to 5% at low loads, while maintaining NOx emissions within 0.2 g/kW · h at BMEP below 5.6 bar. BTE gradually increases with the delay of exhaust valve closing (EVC), decreases first and then increases with the delay of intake valve opening (IVO), and reaches a maximum in early IVO and late EVC areas. In throttle-free hydrogen engines with quality control, VVT technology can be fully utilized to assist stability control in low loads.
Meta TagsDetails
Li, Y., Chen, H., Fu, Z., Du, J. et al., "Experimental Study on Quality Control and Variable Valve Timing Strategy of Hydrogen Engine for High Efficiency and Low Emission at Low Load," SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-5095, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-01-5095.
Additional Details
Oct 15, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper