Both, the continuous strengthening of the exhaust emission
legislation and the striving for a substantial reduction of carbon
dioxide output in the traffic sector depict substantial
requirements for the development of future diesel engines. These
engines will comprise not only the mandatory diesel oxidation
catalyst (DOC) and particulate filter DPF but a NOx
aftertreatment system as well - at least for heavier vehicles. The
oxidation catalysts as well as currently available NOx
aftertreatment technologies, i.e., LNT and SCR, rely on sufficient
exhaust gas temperatures to achieve a proper conversion. This is
getting more and more critical due to the fact that today's and
future measures for CO₂ reduction will result in further decrease
of engine-out temperatures. Additionally this development has to be
considered in the light of further engine electrification and
hybridization scenarios. To maintain the high NOx
conversion level in the aftertreatment system adequate temperature
management strategies will be beneficial. This includes not only
conventional calibration measures such as throttling, split-main or
post injection but also further evolution of the engine hardware
such as cam phasing.
Split-cooling and other thermal management measures have the
potential to reduce CO₂ emissions and increase exhaust temperature
during cold start at the same time. But also highly variable valve
trains open up a wide spread of potential thermo management
measures. In this paper different concepts for exhaust gas
temperature management will be analyzed and compared. The
assessment will focus on the effectiveness regarding the exhaust
temperature increase and the related fuel economy penalty. Further
factors such as robustness, effects on operation strategy and
required software functions and cost are discussed as well. The
engine used in this study was an optimized in-line 4-cylinder
research engine to achieve best combustion behavior for lowest
engine-out emissions and highest fuel efficiency. The
investigations were carried out with pilot injection and simulated
closed loop combustion control. The engine used in this study is
capable to meet Euro 6 emissions limits.
With all accomplished variations a significant increase in
temperature downstream low pressure turbine can be achieved. The
quantity of pilot and post injection plays an important role for
emission formation under warm and under cold conditions. By using
an exhaust cam-phaser CO-, HC- and NOx emissions can be
significantly reduced distinguishing exhaust cam-phasing from the
other investigated strategies.