Evolving Telematics Systems and Standards



SAE 2000 World Congress
Authors Abstract
A Telematics System is an end-to-end system that delivers personal communications, safety and security, entertainment and information services to a vehicle with a location specific context. Typical service examples include Emergency Call, Roadside Assistance, Fleet Management, Yellow Pages and Real-time Vehicle Diagnostics.
Telematics has wide ranging benefits for a number of different industry participants. For a telecommunications operator, Telematics may provide the necessary paradigm shift to grow the wireless data market whilst leveraging existing infrastructure. For vehicle manufacturers, it offers the opportunity to obtain an ongoing revenue stream while enhancing both standard and after-market product lines. For regulators, there is a progression towards intelligent transportation systems and their associated benefits of pollution reduction, reduced transit times, and reduced road fatalities. For emergency (including paramedic, police and fire brigades), there is improved locating information and response times. Finally, for consumers there should be an effective service price reduction via economies of scope, and the less quantifiable benefits associated with access to safety and security services.
Motorola, in partnership with telecommunications carriers and vehicle manufacturers has been an active participant in the development of Telematics systems such as OnStar™, Integrated Mayday™, TeleAid™ and Rescue™, and in the development of wireless protocols such as MEMS and ACP. However, with an increase in the technical capability of vehicle-based processors, communications networks, and display devices, there is an opportunity to progress from these older proprietary systems to open evolving systems and standards. This progression would then contribute to ensuring sustained market growth, building upon the increasing market acceptance and visibility for Telematics products.
This paper summarizes the research and development undertaken by the Telematics Communications Group of Motorola in the area of Telematics systems and standards. The paper compares and contrasts a number of existing standards (ACP, MEMS, WAP-T and GATS) in terms of their capability to support a suite of services, and their evolution toward an open standard. In addition, the paper discusses the development of a simulation and prototype framework to allow an investigation of the various protocol options and provide performance comparisons. The paper then concludes with a series of recommendations for further research and development.
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Rogers, D., Wallace, S., Emrich, J., Chaput, S. et al., "Evolving Telematics Systems and Standards," SAE Technical Paper 2000-01-0814, 2000, https://doi.org/10.4271/2000-01-0814.
Additional Details
Mar 6, 2000
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Content Type
Technical Paper