One of relatively modern directions of two-phase technology in Russia is the development of thermoautofluctuating two-phase heat transferring devices (TTHD ).
It is very complicated to classify these devices because of great amount of its constructive variations. However, it is possible to notice, that all TTHD differ from other two-phase heat transferring devices (such, as heat pipes, thermo-syphons, CPL and etc.) by following: circulation of working fluid in TTHD happens periodically. In separate elements of TTHD the liquid, at first, is serially accumulated and then it is spended, and this process is periodically repeated.
In some cases the element, in which there are excited the thermoautofluctuations, can functionally execute the role of usual pump providing circulation of liquid working fluid. At the same time thermoautofluctuations are supported by means of usual small-power heater (for example, electrical). These thermoautofluctuations mean the alternating processes of evaporation and condensation.
In present article the main attention is paied to that part of TTHD technology development in which the thermoautofluctuating principle of pump of liquid can be combined with conventional principles of the construction of two-phase heat transferring systems (for example, in two-phase devices with separate channels for vapor and liquid transportaion).
The schematic design and operation principle of Evaporating-Condensing Pumps (ECPs) which can be considered as some type of TTHD, are discussed in this paper. Such pumps in some cases can compete with capillary and electromechanical pumps, used in two-phase heat transferring systems of various application.