Evaluation of the Repeatability and Reproducibility on BioRIDIIg In Rear-Impact Sled Test



SAE 2011 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
A large study of rear-end collisions was conducted for the neck injury indicators and test procedures. Neck injury in low-speed rear-end collisions is a big issue because there are a lot of patients despite low-speed rear-end collisions. Europe, Korea and Japan introduced the specific part in the New Car Assessment Program to reduce whiplash injury in low-speed rear-end collisions. From the legal point of view, to reduce the frequency and severity of injuries caused by rearward displacement of the head in rear-end collision, USA, EC, Korea, Japan and others internationally cooperated to make the global technical regulation (GTR) in UNECE/WP29. In 2008, after much meandering, GTR No. 7 head restraints were established. However the GTR No.7 is not a unique regulation because many countries had their own opinions and domestic regulations, and many questions related to injury criteria and biomechanical issues of dummy remain unresolved. The Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy II (BioRIDII) is regarded as possessing the most similar characteristics to human volunteers and Post-mortem Human Subjects(PMHS) in terms of its response to low-speed rear impacts. Although a great amount of research was conducted for repeatability and reproducibility on the BioRIDII, the research results did not directly suggest the neck injury criteria and limit values for the regulation. The purpose of this research is to review the proper neck injury indicators for the BioRID-II through the low-rear sled test on the 3set BioRIDII ver-g. A series of sled tests were conducted to assess the adequacy of neck injury indicators for the repeatability and reproducibility of results obtained on the 3set BioRIDII. The sled tests were performed according to the test procedure proposed by the Korea New Car assessment Program (KNCAP). Neck injury indicators including NIC, Nkm, upper & lower Fx, upper & lower Fz, T1 X acc, Head X acc, were analysed for each dummy. The results show that some criteria, such as the neck shear force, exhibit coefficient variation (CV) up to 20.
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Kim, S., shim, S., and Suh, M., "Evaluation of the Repeatability and Reproducibility on BioRIDIIg In Rear-Impact Sled Test," SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-0276, 2011, https://doi.org/10.4271/2011-01-0276.
Additional Details
Apr 12, 2011
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Technical Paper