Euro NCAP committee has created the Mobile Progressive Deformable Barrier (MPDB) “Compatibility” test that could change the way we design the vehicle front structure for impact [4]. To assist the crashworthy design development activity for this new mode of impact test, CAE barrier models [2] have been developed and used by vehicle safety CAE engineers. These impact models are designed to generate the barrier deformation data essential for evaluation of the scores of the two rating parameters of “Standard Deviation”, “Bottom-Out” for the MPDB impact event. In test, a physical 3-D scanner measures the barrier deformation depth and draws contour plot necessary for determining above two rating parameters. For model results assessment, a virtual scanner, which can emulate the measurement accuracy of the physical scanner is required. Currently, the measuring function of the physical scanner is simulated by detecting the elements remaining at the barrier surface at the last time of simulation, and to this end tracking the entire barrier elements along their displacement trajectories at each time step must be conducted. However, the barrier model is built with over 350,000 elements and hence the virtual scanning process becomes an excessively high computer CPU time and memory space demanding task. In this paper, a computationally more effective CAE virtual scanning method is developed. This new method employs a non-physical and deformation-retrievable skin part of 8000 elements, placed on the barrier front, and thus significantly alleviates the old method’s 350,000 barrier element tracking need. With this new tool, the total post processing time for the MPDB rating assessment time has reduced by 95 %.