EURECA (EUropean REtrievable CArrier) has been designed as a multi-purpose carrier with a dedicated payload for different experiments (microgravity, astronomy, earth observation, solar physics and technology mission application) to be used during several missions.
The EURECA Thermal Control design is subdivided in an “active” thermal control and a “passive” thermal control.
The active thermal control is based on a Freon Fluid Loop composed of By-Pass valve, Cold Plates, Radiators and its scope is to guarantee a limited temperature range excursion for some P/L equipments and particular spacecraft units (e.g. Batteries).
The passive thermal control composed of MLI blankets and MLI radiators, TCU (Thermal Control Unit), heaters, paints and tapes is instead devoted to maintain the temperature level of the overall carrier components within an acceptable value. Special attention was dedicated to the Hydrazine lines, tanks and thrusters to fulfil the stringent STS safety requirements.
The TCS performance has been verified by a thermal analysis using a SINDA TMM. The analysis was also checked by means of a dedicated Thermal Balance Test on a EURECA thermal model and the results have been implemented in the flight predictions analysis campaign. The thermal analysis and test confirmed the good performance of the Thermal Control design.