Determining vehicle mirrors effectiveness is the present novel ergonomic method in this research about how its performance affects School Bus safety. The unique impact classification system developed in advance achieves unique mathematic algorithm count for vehicle impact structure in a 3-dimensional vehicle model. The paper discusses principle experimental data-base language conversion in an Excel algorithm and with a, - factor plan observation diagram.
Given the definition of accident in commercial motor vehicle applications, the study conducts a field collision follow-up record. The study based on factual data of a 50 fleet units, in observation between 2007 and 2009.
This study classified the statistical spreading impact zones analysis in a 3-dimensional vehicle model calculation. Results are there discussed in paper in the ergonomic concept of hygienic operator performance responsibility.
The technique of the research involves mathematical algorithms and impact analysis statistics, including the definition of vehicle damage structure indexing and driver mirror efficiency.
Mathematical analysis efficiency mirror vehicle set position deviation showed loss of ergonomic hygienic performance. Given these conclusions, preventive technologies target safety-specific casualties.
Recommendations include improving procedures of driver pre-trip inspection, vehicle inspection, and the utilization of certain types of view mirror equipment. Alternate techniques in human parallax ergonomics are also presented.