An Enriched Performance Measure Approach (PMA+) for Reliability-Based Design Optimization Process



SAE 2004 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
This paper presents an enriched performance measure approach (PMA+) for reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) to substantially improve computational efficiency when applied to large-scale applications. Three aspects of PMA+ are presented: as a way to launch RBDO at a deterministic optimum design, as an efficient probabilistic feasibility check, and as a fast reliability analysis under the condition of design closeness. It is found that deterministic design optimization helps improve numerical efficiency by reducing some RBDO iterations. Unlike deterministic design optimization, a significant computational burden is imposed on the feasibility check of constraints in the RBDO process due to the costs of a reliability analysis. Such difficulties can be effectively resolved by using a mean value (MV) first-order method with an allowable accuracy for the purpose of feasibility identification, and by carrying out the refined reliability analysis using the hybrid mean value (HMV) first-order method for ε-active and violate constraints in the RBDO process. In addition, the fast reliability analysis method is proposed by reusing some of the information obtained at the previous RBDO iteration to efficiently evaluate probabilistic constraints at the current design iteration under the condition of design closeness. Other RBDO methods have recently been developed to enhance numerical efficiency of RBDO while maintaining numerical accuracy and stability. Thus, the PMA+ is compared to existing RBDO methods from a numerical efficiency and stability point of view. For a numerical understanding of the RBDO process, several numerical examples are provided, including a large-scale multi-crash application.
Meta TagsDetails
Choi, K., and Youn, B., "An Enriched Performance Measure Approach (PMA+) for Reliability-Based Design Optimization Process," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-1284, 2004,
Additional Details
Mar 8, 2004
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Content Type
Technical Paper