Engine Demonstration of Microwave Assisted Particulate Trap Regeneration
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- Content
- In this study a microwave assisted particulate trap regeneration system has been developed. Microwave technology typically shows uneven temperature distribution in a trap. In this research an innovative technique is introduced: a so-called circular polarizer for generating a more even energy distribution in the trap.Experimental work has been performed on a 1.2 l TDI engine on an engine dynamometer. A cordierite wall-flow trap was located in the exhaust pipe. Experiments have been performed with variation of temperature at the start of regeneration, energy input duration and external combustion air flow. It has been observed that the exhaust gas flow of the engine, even at idle, is too high for maintaining propagating flame fronts. It can be concluded that microwave regeneration with a low-power microwave generator of about 1 kW must be applied in a multiple branch trap system or regeneration events must be applied in periods when the engine is not running.Tests have shown successful repeated regeneration cycles, without often reported problems associated with filter cracking due to hot spots. Trap samples were analysed after a number of regeneration events by soot layer thickness measurements using microscopy.
- Pages
- 9
- Citation
- van Helden, R., Willems, F., van Aken, M., and Strijbos, H., "Engine Demonstration of Microwave Assisted Particulate Trap Regeneration," SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-2141, 2005, https://doi.org/10.4271/2005-01-2141.