The high penetration rate of ABS in nearly all categories of cars assisted the development of more sophisticated wheel slip control systems. Besides traction and stability control (Automatic Stability Control ASC at BMW) especially Driving Stability Control (DSC) is the most sophisticated stability control system currently under development.
The combination of DSC with other chassis control systems, which use brake intervention, becomes more important. To reduce the technical effort of the different systems involved in chassis control, different ways can be considered. To allow for a wider application of a chassis control system network, a more radical approach with higher attention on cost savings is required.
A possible solution is the development of an Electronic Brake Management EBM. Different attempts are possible with various electric or hydraulic actuation and modulation concepts. One possible hydraulic solution is the Electro Hydraulic Brake EHB, which is analysed and compared with regard to its technical effort.
The conclusion is, that a higher level of integration assists the penetration of DSC and brake related chassis control systems. The implications and technical problems involved in the introduction of an EBM are discussed and possible approaches for a technical solution are given.