An Efficient CAE-Driven Weight Optimization Approach For An Existing Vehicle BIW


To be published on 04/01/2025

WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
Most of the plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) available today are retrofitted versions of the corresponding co-existing higher-volume internal combustion (IC) engine-based models. In order to make the former category of vehicles more attractive in terms of driving range, a Li-ion battery pack of substantive energy capacity (in kWh) is needed. The latter requirement is likely to add to the weight of an EV in relation to its conventional counterpart. This potential weight increase can to an extent be checked by aggressively scouring for opportunities for weight reduction of the BIW (Body-In-White) of the original platform. The current work suggests a practical and efficient CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering)-driven approach for weight optimization of the BIW of a vehicle without affecting its styling, modal frequencies and front crashworthiness performance. It is assumed that there would be no major changes to manufacturing resources associated with the current design although limited secondary processes mainly for material removal may be necessary. According to the suggested methodology, using a commercial FEA solver popular in the automotive industry, an automated iterative approach is followed for sequential size- and topology-based weight optimization with modal frequencies as constraints, while crashworthiness targets are incorporated into the weight-optimized model with the aid of contact-impact simulation supplemented with engineering insight. The methodology is demonstrated by arriving at perceptible weight reduction of a commercially-sold SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) thereby underlining its effectiveness and efficiency.
Meta TagsDetails
Deb, A., and Zhu, F., "An Efficient CAE-Driven Weight Optimization Approach For An Existing Vehicle BIW," SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-8738, 2025, .
Additional Details
To be published on Apr 1, 2025
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Content Type
Technical Paper