The Effects of Crank Ratio and Crankshaft Offset on Piston Friction Losses
- Event
- Content
- A study was conducted to understand the effects the specifications of the crank-slider mechanism have on piston friction losses. The information obtained through the study is believed to be useful information for reducing the piston friction. A single-cylinder spark-ignited gasoline engine was designed and constructed to have not only a real-time piston friction measurement system using the floating liner method, but also provisions to facilitate changing the specifications of the crank-slider mechanism. This paper describes the study results obtained under various engine-operating conditions and reports the parametric test results of three crank ratios and five crankshaft-offset amounts tested.
- Pages
- 9
- Citation
- Wakabayashi, R., Takiguchi, M., Shimada, T., Mizuno, Y. et al., "The Effects of Crank Ratio and Crankshaft Offset on Piston Friction Losses," SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-0983, 2003,