Ethanol is frequently used as a blending component in standard gasoline, with blend rates up to 10%vol
. n-Butanol has received recent interest as an alternative fuel instead of ethanol for use in spark ignition engines. Similar to ethanol, n-butanol can be produced via the fermentation of sugars, starches, and lignocelluloses obtained from agricultural feedstock.
It is of great interest to modern engine development to understand the effect of ethanol and n-butanol as blending components on the laminar burning velocity of standard gasoline. The laminar burning velocity is one key parameter for the numerical simulation of gasoline engine combustion processes.
Tested fuel components are ethanol, n-butanol, and standard marked gasoline without any oxygen content. Fuel blends consist of standard-marked gasoline containing ethanol and butanol. The maximum blend rate of oxygenates is 10%vol
. Experiments were done at different equivalence ratios between 0.7 and 1.3. Test conditions in this work are pressures of 10 bar and temperatures of 373 K.
The experimental setup consists of a spherical closed pressurized combustion vessel with optical access. Experimental results are discussed and compared with the numerical simulations, as far as models are available, and references from the literature.