This paper shows economical as well as technical aspects when using Realtime Simulation with Hardware in the Loop for developing and testing of complex mechatronical control systems within the different stages of truck development.
The economical view gives an estimation on the improvement of the efficiency in the development. It shows the potential of the reduction of development costs and of the shortening of development periods by using Hardware in the Loop as method and in addition by installing true concurrent engineering as strategy.
The technical view examines the possibilities of the improvement of functionality, quality and security of mechatronical control systems for trucks. It shows aspects like growing networking and communication, higher integration, early recognizing and avoiding of development errors, fail save behavior and product liability.
Both under economical and technical aspects must be considered the hardware and the software platform for such high technology applications. The use of exclusively industrial standards based on open computer systems ensures a long-term protection of hardware and software investment. This strategy delivers an open, modular and flexible solution which is initially prepared for integration, modification and extension.