Dynamics Hybrid Vehicle Driven with Electric Motor Driving Wheels from Batteries



WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
The use of electric energy to drive the drive wheels allows you to improve not only the environment, but also the performance indicators of cars. A hybrid car uses both thermal energy from an internal combustion engine (ICE) and electrical energy from generators or batteries. The authors of the paper have conducted a study on the dynamics of a hybrid car, in which ICE energy is used to charge rechargeable batteries, and the latter provide the driveline. By reducing the amplitude of the traction force oscillations, the energy costs for the forward movement of the car are reduced. The purpose of the study is to determine the energy savings for accelerating a car with a combined power plant with electric engines on wheels using battery power. As a result of the study, a mathematical model of the car acceleration process with a combined power plant and powered electric engines of the driving wheels from the batteries has been obtained. The obtained analytical dependencies allow us to determine the energy savings of a hybrid car of the specified design during acceleration. In the driving mode, with the joint operation of the electric engine and the internal combustion engine with uniform movement, there was a certain synergistic effect of power units (internal combustion engine, traction motor) in relation to the speed and energy reserve in the high-voltage storage battery. For this, measurements were made of the power of the electric engine, the internal combustion engine speed, fuel consumption, speed, and recirculation of the generator's electrical energy. The share of the generator power that goes to charge the battery was determined, and how it affects the specific fuel consumption.
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Bazhinov, A., Bazhinova, T., Podrigalo, M., Kholodov, M. et al., "Dynamics Hybrid Vehicle Driven with Electric Motor Driving Wheels from Batteries," SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0667, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-01-0667.
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Mar 29, 2022
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Technical Paper