Dynamic Bench Test of Part of the Cooling Assembly of Commercial Vehicles with Ground Measurement Signal



SAE Brasil 2002 Congress and Exhibit
Authors Abstract
With the increasing necessity of reducing the development time of new products, and also the need to evaluate product reliability levels, a trend to rationalize field tests through test benches has been noted. These tests have proved more and more representative and carried out in much lower times and with lower costs.
In the automotive industry this trend has generated considerable effort towards making these bench tests more representative of actual conditions towards the increase of their reliability. The quantity of simulated parameters is growing and it becomes necessary to collect more data from ground measurements signal (acceleration, temperature, pressure, flow, etc.) in experimental vehicles.
In the present work we intend to show a test bench for the durability of part of the cooling assembly for commercial vehicles which simulates critical working conditions in torque rates (mountain slope and/or earth stretch), with temperature, pressure, flow and vibration control (ground measurement signal).
The criteria were established so as to accelerate the test, maintaining the extreme conditions for a longer time than that observed in real conditions, reducing the time of incident low temperature, pressure, flow and acceleration, thus optimizing the test time.
The cooling system has gained special attention in modern engines and its components must be carefully analyzed. In the past engines used to work at lower temperatures and pressures in the system, but with the electronic engines, the temperature of the cooling means generally reaches high values, up to 110°C and the average pressure of 1,2 bar.
The main advantages of the bench tests are: Test time, Repeatability, Cost and Follow-up through inspections and graphic records.
Meta TagsDetails
Soares, E., Ferraro, L., Onusic, H., and Buzzo, E., "Dynamic Bench Test of Part of the Cooling Assembly of Commercial Vehicles with Ground Measurement Signal," SAE Technical Paper 2002-01-3449, 2002, https://doi.org/10.4271/2002-01-3449.
Additional Details
Nov 19, 2002
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Content Type
Technical Paper