Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: Leveraging Connected Vehicle Data for Effective Carbon Emission Management



SAE Brasil 2023 Congress
Authors Abstract
The rise of greenhouse gas emissions has reached historic levels, with 37 billion tons of CO2 released into the atmosphere in 2018 alone. In the European Union, 32% of these emissions come from transportation, with 73.3% of that percentage coming from vehicles. To address this problem, solutions such as cleaner fuels and more efficient engines are necessary. Artificial Intelligence can also play a crucial role in climate analysis and verification to move towards a more sustainable future. By utilizing connected vehicle data, automakers can analyze real-time vehicle performance data to identify opportunities for improvement and reduce carbon emissions. This approach benefits the environment, improves vehicle quality, and reduces engineering work time, making it a win-win solution.
Connected vehicle data offers a wealth of information on vehicle performance, such as fuel consumption and carbon emissions. Automakers can analyze this data to pinpoint areas for improvement and create new features and solutions to help decrease carbon emissions. They can also develop innovative products and services that promote sustainability, such as identifying environmentally friendly materials to use in their vehicles. Additionally, using data analytics, automakers can identify opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, such as analyzing driving patterns and developing new vehicle features.
Distance driven is a significant factor in the amount of carbon emissions produced by a vehicle, with an average emission rate of 171 grams per kilometer. For example, a vehicle that travels 21,684 kilometers would emit roughly 3,705 kilograms of carbon. To offset these emissions, 176 trees would need to be planted. By connecting kilometers driven with the number of trees required to offset carbon emissions, individuals and companies can better understand the environmental impact of their transportation choices and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. This approach provides a tangible solution to address the problem of carbon emissions from vehicles.
In conclusion, the problem of carbon emissions from vehicles requires urgent attention. The rise of greenhouse gas emissions is leading to air pollution, acid rain, and the imbalance of the greenhouse effect, causing severe environmental degradation. To address this problem, cleaner fuels, efficient engines, and Artificial Intelligence can play a crucial role. By utilizing connected vehicle data and analyzing real-time vehicle performance data, automakers can create innovative solutions to reduce carbon emissions, benefitting both the environment and vehicle quality. Additionally, connecting kilometers driven with the number of trees required to offset carbon emissions provides individuals and companies with a tangible solution to reduce their carbon footprint.
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Marques, N., Campos, G., and Cavalcante, M., "Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: Leveraging Connected Vehicle Data for Effective Carbon Emission Management," SAE Technical Paper 2023-36-0145, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-36-0145.
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Jan 08
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Technical Paper