DRBFM Methodology Applied to Design Changing in Fuel Supply Modules



SAE Brasil 2023 Congress
Authors Abstract
Robustness and reliability are key elements for product success in the automotive market. On this purpose, the Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM) is a product development methodology to guide on potential risks assessment related to new design proposals. This paper shows the DRBFM structure and mindset for new products, using function and behavior evaluation. Moreover, the methodology will be demonstrated for a real automotive case, considering a new component design for Fuel Supply Module (FSM). The FSM is responsible to deliver fuel to the engine and maintain the pressure in the fuel rail during the spark engine operation. To fit these main functions, the electrical fuel pump inside the module must be always working submerged even if the fuel tank is almost empty. This the reason for this product has the jet pump component that is responsible to actively drag fuel during this worst fuel tank volume condition. During a new FSM customer application, the function presented previously had failure in the test bench, so a new design for the Jet Pump Connector (JPC) was proposed to solve the issue. Using an analytical model and experimental results to prove the correlation between design and function, it was possible to validate the influence of the new design proposed to meet the specification. Additionally, due the methodology applied, it was possible to confirm that this change will guarantee all functional and behavior necessary for this product application in the customer’s vehicle.
Meta TagsDetails
de Azevedo Fernandes, L., de Oliveira Melo, L., and André, M., "DRBFM Methodology Applied to Design Changing in Fuel Supply Modules," SAE Technical Paper 2023-36-0054, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2023-36-0054.
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Jan 08
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Technical Paper