Disc Brake Lining Shape Optimization by Multibody Dynamic Analysis



SAE 2004 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Improving the performance characteristics of a typical disc brake encompasses a number of design strategies as well as limitations imposed by cost objectives. Utilizing pad loading uniformity in a design is one strategy that offers an improvement in desired performance characteristics, including a reduction in tapered lining wear as well as a possible reduced propensity for noise generation. To approach this design strategy, a procedure has been developed to tailor the brake pad lining profile to maximize pad loading uniformity in a multibody dynamics model of a typical disc brake. In determining an optimal lining configuration, a suitable compromise for gaining beneficial performance improvements in a cost effective manner is reached.
The implementation of this design strategy involves the parametric definition of the lining profile by introducing a series of variables that are linked to the profile markers. These variables can be used to conduct a sensitivity analysis, design of experiments, or an optimization to investigate factors that affect pad loading characteristics. Furthermore, this approach has the flexibility to allow for additional constraints, including pad wear and the ability to generate a lining profile for a desired pad loading distribution. An optimization was conducted to minimize pad load standard deviation, where the variables that define the lining profile are considered as design variables. The optimal profile results are contrasted with the baseline, showing a good percent reduction in pad force standard deviation under the given operating conditions for the inboard and outboard pads.
Meta TagsDetails
Penninger, C., and Swift, R., "Disc Brake Lining Shape Optimization by Multibody Dynamic Analysis," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-0725, 2004, https://doi.org/10.4271/2004-01-0725.
Additional Details
Mar 8, 2004
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Content Type
Technical Paper