Development of the Independent-Type Steer by Wire System
- Event
- Content
- SBW (Steer by Wire) system steers a vehicle by using actuators which receive vehicle information from sensors. This paper proposes an Independent-type steer by wire system which has two steering actuators in RH and LH so that the steered angle of front tires can be controlled by ECU independently. This system has merits over the conventional SBW system in that it highly enhances system safety and can realize ideal handling performance by controlling right and left wheels independently. The procedure of developing the Independent - type SBW is followed below: A HILS (Hardware-In-the-Loop-Simulation) system and validating the system, Designing the layout of system to fit a vehicle with the Independent - type SBW, and analyzing the system layout, describing a manufacturing and testing vehicle equipped with the Independent - type SBW system, and finally laying the future works open based on the test results.
- Pages
- 8
- Citation
- Park, S., Hwang, S., Oh, Y., and Lee, U., "Development of the Independent-Type Steer by Wire System," SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-1148, 2007,