Development of Diesel Particulate Filters for Qingdao Urban Buses
- Event
- Content
- In this paper, a diesel particulate filter system which uses needle felt as filtering medium to collect diesel particulates has been developed and tested in practical operation of the urban bus. The system includes a bag filter, an exhaust cooler, and a control unit. It was installed under the chassis of a YZL 6730C diesel bus, which operates in a loop route mostly with heavy load. The bus has covered more than 5,000km, during which there was no failure of the filter system to cause bus abnormal operation. It needs to be cleaned for about 50km, and the collected particulate matter has to be discharged for every 1200km. It can operate reliably and easily with very high collection efficiency. The collected particulate matter is analyzed by GC (Gas Chromatography)/MS (Mass Spectrometer), it is found that the collected particulate matter contains many poisonous and carcinogen substances and the filter is also effective to collect some of the SOF. The filter system is the most feasible way to solve the problem of urban bus particulate emissions so far in China.
- Pages
- 9
- Citation
- Xiao, F., Lu, C., Zhang, X., Yang, B. et al., "Development of Diesel Particulate Filters for Qingdao Urban Buses," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-3042, 2004,