Driving is a highly complex activity which requires the driver's full attention. Presently, the human factor is related to 90% [1] of accidents and driver distraction is one of the principle causes.
The objective of this project was to create a semi-autonomous system for testing with somnolent drivers. Our system is comprised of a GPS which checks position and velocity of the car continuously, a robot which decides with data from the CAN and GPS if the vehicle is being driven properly and an actuator on the brakes and the engine to stop the car. The robot will monitor these parameters continuously in order to take control of the car if it detects that the vehicle is not being properly driven in order to avoid a possible accident. This device will be on standby.
To do this, it was necessary to create a system which allows the driver to handle the car without any influence, but when it detects driving errors can stop the car to put it in a safe state.
The system developed in the project enables testing with drowsy drivers to be carried out when there are possibilities of loss of control of the vehicle. It can also be used to increase the safety of test track facilities or other control applications outside the automobile industry, in which safety is fundamental.