Development of a Fuelling System to Reduce Cold-Start Hydrocarbon Emissions in an SI Engine
- Event
- Content
- An air-assisted fuel vaporiser (AAFV), designed to replace the conventional fuelling system has been tested on a 3.0-litre development engine under simulated cold-Start conditions. Providing the cold engine with pre-vaporised fuel removed the need for an enriched mixture during start-up. Comparisons between the AAFV and standard fuelling systems were performed. Engine-out hydrocarbon (HC) exhaust emissions were measured during cold-start and the ensuing two minutes. Fuel spray characterisation was also conducted using a steady flow test rig designed to mimic inlet port conditions of air flow and manifold pressure over a wide range of engine operation.
- Pages
- 11
- Citation
- Jackson, S., Williams, P., and Ma, T., "Development of a Fuelling System to Reduce Cold-Start Hydrocarbon Emissions in an SI Engine," SAE Technical Paper 961119, 1996,