Reliability states the degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification can be depended on to be accurate. And, tests according to GM specifications represents a minimum of 15 years of vehicle life time with defined Reliability and Confidence level.
In this work, actual number of thermal cycles for Thermal Fatigue tests (Thermal Shock and Power Temperature Cycle) are calculated for Copper Wire whose Coffin Manson exponent is 5.
Overstressing the PEPS Antenna under thermal fatigue requirement (defined number of thermal cycles based on Reliability and Confidence requirements) will lead to broken Copper wire which will result in component’s functional failure and thus impossible to continue reliability testing.
The objective of this paper is to determine thermal fatigue requirements for Antenna’s Copper wire whose Coffin Manson exponent is 5. Testing with exact number of thermal cycles will reduce the validation failures owing to broken Copper wire and thus save incurred revalidation cost.
The current study is limited to only adjusting the thermal fatigue requirements (Number of Thermal Cycles) for only specific E/E components having Copper wire soldered directly on to the PCBA.
The limitation of validation experiment is to choose the correct Coffin Manson exponent for achieving desired number of thermal cycles for all specific E/E components having Copper wire soldered directly on to the PCBA.
Conclusion- Derived appropriate thermal fatigue cycles (22% of actual total number of 100% cycles) for Copper material with Coffin Manson exponent of 5 will reduce the failure associated with the broken Copper wire and thus will save the revalidation cost.