Detailed Chemistry CFD Engine Combustion Solution with Ignition Progress Variable Library Approach
- Event
- Content
- This paper explains the principle and advantages of the Ignition Progress Variable Library (IPV-Library) approach and its use in predicting engine related premixed, non-premixed and compression ignited combustion events. The implementation of IPV-Library model in the engine-focused CFD code VECTIS is described. To demonstrate the application of the model in predicting various types of combustion, computational results from a 2-stroke HCCI engine, a premixed spark ignition engine and an HSDI diesel engine are presented, together with some comparisons with engine test data.
- Pages
- 12
- Citation
- Bo, T., Mauss, F., and Beck, L., "Detailed Chemistry CFD Engine Combustion Solution with Ignition Progress Variable Library Approach," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-1898, 2009,